Matt Sherwood - Artist, Speaker, Traveler

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Empanadas & Chimichurri Chicken

“If you’re a vegetarian, you are in the wrong country.”  This classic quote had everyone in stitches!  We had a speaker from a local tourism company talk to us about Córdoba culture, cuisine, etc.  And, what we learned was: Argentina is known for their beef.  Yay for me!

Argentina is also known for empanadas.  These little pastries are filled with everything from beef, to chicken, to corn, to spinach, and my personal fave: Brie cheese (and apple, cranberry, sweet potato, etc.)  Almost every place you go sells empanadas---even little convenience stores.  

But, today I stumbled upon the best chicken I have ever had in my life.  Yeah, I said it.  I mean no disrespect to any chef in the US.  (I love you, Mom!!!)  And, I will admit, it is possible that because I haven’t eaten a lot of familiar foods lately, that my palette has been desensitized.  But, this rotisserie chicken was the best.  The most important ingredient: Chimichurri sauce, something Argentians are also known for.  


This take-out restaurant, Le Poulet, is only two blocks from my apartment.  

And, this dish costs 40 pesos, ~$2.60 USD.  :]