My fellow Remote Arestia Rosenberg is a Moth StorySLAM Champion! A StorySLAM is an open mic storytelling competition. Storyteller names are picked out of a hat randomly and each person has 5 mins to share a story based on the theme ‘del dia’. Arestia hosted a StorySLAM last night, and of course I wanted in.
Our theme was ‘New Beginnings’. My story centered on being accepted into the local culture here in Buenos Aires. There’s a group of rough n tumble looking local guys that hang out on my street corner. The first night I met one of 'em (Jorge), he put his arm around my shoulder and I thought he was trying to jack me. But, unless this is some long con, that was not the case. Jorge, Diego, Christian, Machi, etc. They’ve accepted me into their group. Every time they see me, they invite me to hang. Sometimes, I just chill on the corner stoop and shoot the s$#% with them. It’s amazing.
11 other Remotes got up and shared their stories too! Sensational!
We laughed, we cried, we smiled and sighed.
Makes me really proud to see people pour their hearts out in front of a group. Public speaking can be incredibly therapeutic! It can be incredibly thrilling. It can be incredible, if you try it. If you embrace the excitement, you will enjoy the adrenaline!
And, being vulnerable, and honest with the crowd is so important. Open your heart to the crowd. Let them into your life. And they will welcome you with open arms and warm love.
Wish I got pics of the storytellers, but I was so enthralled by the stories. Next time!