Popty Ping!

Did you know that the Welsh word for microwave is ‘popty ping’?  Es perfecto!

But, what does that have to do with my travels?  

Dos cosas (2 things):  

1: My fellow Remote Elizabeth Garrison, aka Translator Liz, aka @translator.liz, was the one who told me about popty ping.  She lives in Manchester England and speaks several languages.  Translator Liz is awesome and wields a wealth of weird words!

2: I came home the other night, turned on my bedroom light and ‘POPTY PING’!  The light bulb exploded.  Said light was hanging directly over my bed.  Shards of glass sprinkled down on my sheets and floor.  

Buenos tiempos!  

I started picking out shards from my sheets one at a time, largest first.  I could still sleep in the sheets after I swept through, just had to spot the sparklies.  

Hmmm.  Way too many sparklies.  Sleeping would surely result in blood shed.  Plan aborted.  Sheets rolled up.

Thankfully, I had spare sheets in my closet.  Popty ping problem solved!  THANK YOU, Remote Year!!!  

Check out this awesome Popty-Ping video!

And, another video about weird Welsh words: 



You Can’t Always Get What You Want

At the end of my first week in Córdoba, I was physically and mentally exhausted.  The newness had taken its toll and I just wanted a solo supper and a quiet night.  I had eaten empanadas for almost every meal, but noticed the restaurant next door had fajitas!  

First Friday and I’m feelin’ like good ole familiar fajitas!

Went into the restaurant, and ordered up the pollo (chicken) fajitas.  The waitress looked confused, but I pointed to the menu.  No problem, right?


The hostess comes over and attempts to explain that the fajitas are for 2 people.  I’m thinking, “No big deal, I’ll have leftovers.”  But, I can’t quite put it into words.  It’s my first Friday, my brain is fried, and oh yeah---I don't speak Spanish.

She points to the “Quesadilla Soho”.  Ok, I can’t read most of these words, but I see camarones --- shrimp.  Pressure mounting.  “Si, bueno.”  I’ll have the shrimp quesadilla.  Hrmph.  


My quesadilla comes out.  It’s shrimp, mussels (mejillones), peppers, onions, and mozzarella in a soggy tortilla with enough mussel broth to make Gordon Ramsey’s head explode.  Good ole familiar shrimp & mussels quesadilla, just like Mom used to make.  At least there was guacamole.  Guac makes everything better.  

Sometimes, you can’t always get what you want.  But, you gotta try sometimes.  

And, you gotta learn Spanish.